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Sebastiano Cornelio

Sebastiano Cornelio

Never has the Second Amendment been as important as it is now, and the Second Amendment Foundation is fighting multiple legal battles daily to preserve our freedoms and to nullify the illegal laws put into place.

Like any legal challenge, it takes financial resources to wage legal battles against those who believe only the elite should possess firearms. We all have a role to play if we are to preserve our rights and roll back the illegal laws that have been put into place. I have been life member of this incredibly headstrong organization for decades and have donated substantial amounts over the years and will continue to support SAF in every way.

One of the best ways I found to support SAF was to incorporate the organization into a portion of my estate planning. Any amount you can contribute in this manner goes a long way to ensuring this vital Second Amendment is not erased from the Constitution. We have a Bill of Rights, not needs. Let's all unite to make sure the Second Amendment never gets erased.

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